
About Us

Since 1972, Knight has been at the forefront of developing innovative chemical delivery systems for the chemical hygiene industry.
Our dedication to excellence has enabled us to provide a complete range of precision dispensing and cleaning systems, serving a variety of applications within the hospitality, food and beverage, dairy, and healthcare industries. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing you with expert advice and support, helping you select the right product for your specific needs.

Our Legacy

Knight has pioneered the chemical dispensing industry for half a century. Our journey began at a time when chemical dispensing programs were nonexistent, and through the years, we have developed a legacy of quality and reliability. Today, we proudly offer differentiated equipment that enables us to provide cleaning chemical companies with safe, accurate, and effective products for our customers.

In September 2022, Knight LLC joined the CFS Technologies family of brands. CFS Technologies, renowned for its cutting-edge connectivity technology chemical dispensing equipment, continues to innovate across various industries. Learn more about CFS Technologies at cfstech.com.

Why Knight

Simplicity is at the heart of everything we do since it enhances efficiency, reduces costs, improves satisfaction, and provides scalability. Our products are crafted with intuitive controls and straightforward interfaces, ensuring ease of use for everyone. From installation to daily operation, Knight products require minimal training and effort, allowing you to focus on your core tasks.

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The Importance Of Accuracy